It was wonderful!
I'd been wanting to get some kind of permanent eyeliner for a few years...I don't like putting on makeup except for special occasions, but since I have pale eyes, pale skin, pale hair, and short, thin eyelashes (boring!), I thought I should do something so I don't look so washed out all the time. I found Crystal after checking out several possible places, and I'm SO GLAD I went to her. She's so pleasant and knowledgeable, and she educated me about the procedure and possibilities so I could decide exactly what I wanted. I have to take thyroid medication, and she let me know ahead of time that this condition could impact how well my permanent eye makeup would "take". I proceeded anyway, and I'm very, very pleased with the results (I had more fading than is "typical", but it's still such a vast improvement!). On a resent scuba diving trip, I left my makeup at home and never had to worry about smudging and smearing. It was wonderful! I'll be going to Crystal for future touch ups and skin care, too. She's great!