
Looking for the Fountain of Youth? Look no further than your lifestyle and daily routine. Looking young has plenty to do with maintaining healthy skin. So, if you want to look 5-10 years younger than you are, it’s all about how you look after your skin and health. Here are 5 tips that can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle and give you a youthful glow.

1. Avoid Stress

Stress is not just bad for your immunity and mental well-being, but also for your skin health.
It could be as simple as avoiding people who always make you feel mentally drained. You should also avoid carrying around psychological burdens that put your mental well-being at risk. Similarly, you should try to do things that help relieve stress or improve your capacity to deal with stressful conditions. These include yoga and meditation.
Stress has been linked to psoriasis and eczema flare-ups all over the body. Additionally, stress can cause the skin to wrinkle, and even dry up, which obviously take away its youthful glow.

2. Get Enough Sleep

On a daily basis, the skin suffers a lot of damage through exposure to the chemicals in our environments, the sun, and other things. Also, repairs to this kind of damage happen when we are asleep. That is why you should always get enough sleep if you want your skin to remain healthy and youthful. Basically, you should try to get around 8 hours of sleep every day. While getting enough sleep is important, you have to ensure that you get quality sleep as well.

The magical glow that is often also noticed in youthful skins is lost with the lack of enough sleep since the skin’s pH balance is disrupted when there is inadequate sleep. So, if you want to get youthful skin, ensure that you get about 7 to 8 hours of sleep, anything less is going to get in the way of you having the youthful skin you want.

3. Increase your Vitamin C

When your body has more vitamin C, you will suffer fewer wrinkles. In fact, research has proved that eating food with a lot of Vitamin C can result in a skin that has up to 8 times more collagen. Also called ascorbic acid, vitamin C has a very vital role in the production of collagen. In fact, even when applied topically, the vitamin can still promote skin health and enhance its youthfulness. In addition to stalling the skin aging process, vitamin C has also been shown to repair some of the damage that ultraviolet light causes to the skin, such as after excessive exposure to the sun.

Besides promoting the production of collagen, vitamin C is also a strong antioxidant that helps to counter the worst effects free radicals cause on the skin. Free radicals can cause a lot of damage to the skin, bringing about it’s premature aging.

4. Detox your skin

Whether you like it or not, toxins tend to build up in the body over time. These toxins affect your body negatively, including the skin which can look older as it breaks down more readily. Fortunately, there is something you can do about this since you can do a body cleanse that can rid you of these harmful compounds.

Try a Perfect Dermapeel. This medium depth peel will improve the overall clarity, tone, and texture of the skin, Reduce or eliminate hyperpigmentation, sun damage and Melasma, Improve acne skin conditions and reduce acne scars, stimulate the production of collagen, resulting in firmer, more youthful skin, Reduce the appearance of pore size.

Cleaning the skin helps remove toxins, impurities, excess oil, and even dead skin cells. As a result, you can have a healthier and more vibrant and youthful skin after a proper cleansing procedure.

5. Limit Sun Exposure

Sure, you need some sunlight to have healthier and more youthful skin, as it stimulates the production of vitamin D in the skin. But past this benefit, the sun will only cause damage to your skin. The sun affects the skin pigmentation, and it can also burn the skin, affecting its elasticity and hence causing premature aging. Overexposure to the sun can also cause skin cancer. If you have skin irregularities that you would like corrected, we offer a variety of solutions, schedule your consultation today.

You can have a beautiful and youthful skin simply by following the above simple tips. Mostly, they involve diet and exercise, and a few special treatments along the way.

Laguna Med Spa is located in Parker, CO and offers a full array of med spa services such as skin treatments, permanent makeup, fillers, scalp micropigmentation, areola restoration, dermaplaning and microblading. We’d love to earn your business! Call us today at 720-355-0123 or visit our website to schedule a consultation.

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